Thursday, July 10, 2008

Catbird Seat

James thurber in catbird seat introduces us to the protagonist Mr. Martin and the antagonist Mrs. Ulgine Barrows. Mr Martin is a man of few words a very mysterious man. He as practiced the same routine for the past twenty two years. He views Mrs. Barrows as a threat and has plotted to do her in. Mrs. Barrow has become a thorn in Mr. Martin's flesh. Martin is a man of mystery, quiet and well respected,as well as loyal.The conflict internal.Written in omniscient objective.
My reaction: I felt the ending was a left down. I thought for sure Mr. Martin would indeed do in Mrs. Barrows. In the end was indeed thicker than water due to Mr. F remaining loyal to Mr. Martin and finding Mrs. Barrows to be insane. Today in our society loyalty to ones company is spoken of but rarely practiced.

1 comment:

debwrite said...

Good job! Didn't you just love Thurber's humor? He's a genius!